Monday, May 27, 2013

Keep on Running

It's one thing to "start running" and another thing to "keep on running".

And I've learned this the hard way...

At the start of my journey back to a running lifestyle, everything was perfectly looking good: I had that renewed drive to run, I've committed myself to a running group, started a running blog, and finally, I was able to run again after years of no consistent running.

But right after that great Saturday morning run, it came – all the busyness, laziness and excuses once again crawled into me. The next thing I know, it's May 2013, and my last run was February 2013. Three months.

So how do we really "Keep on Running"?!

I honestly believe that I need this topic more than any newbie runner out there right now.

Let me share a few tips that I know works and what I will definitely do myself:

Training log.
Having a Training Log gives a lot of runners motivation to keep going. It's always nice to see a filled up log and being able to track down your progress every run. All you need is paper and pen... Or just download that amazing App.

Morning run.
Running early in the morning have some great advantages. It sets the tone of your day and before all the demands of the day creeps in your schedule, it's great to already have running done on top of your checklist.

Prep up.
Before going to sleep, it's wise to prepare all your running gears for next day's run. You will have less reasons not to run when everything is up and ready. Sometimes, you can even go as far as wearing your gears in sleep. Then all you need is to wake up and run!

There is no instant in the sport of running. Every successful runner trained their way into their current form. Understanding that success in running comes from patiently training and gradual improvements is key. Maybe now you are dragging yourself to finish that 3K run, but I guarantee, stick to your running program and the next thing you know, finishing that marathon might be a usual thing.

Just run.
Sometimes, all we need is to get out there and run. Once we get that feel of the pavement, it's hard to stop!

If you have some more tips to help newbies run consistently, please feel free to drop me a comment!

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