Thursday, February 14, 2013

Runner's High

With the growing popularity of Running in the Philippines (race events here and there, almost every weekend!), more and more of young professionals are choosing Running as their preferred way of exercise. Me, being part of that work force, I can definitely relate to the stress and pressure that comes with the job. I remember some very challenging days at work that could give anyone sleepless nights but because I opted to have my after-work runs, I was able to cope up and even feel refreshed.

So for me, being able to run offers one of the best anti-stress activity that one can find.
And have you ever heard of the term, "Runner's High"?

Runner's High

Runner's High is the state of elation during or after a run that many runners tend to experience. According to studies, the "feel-good" experience occurs because of the release of Endorphin throughout the body that control feelings of stress and frustration.

Although runners who have been running for a long time are much more likely to experience this "high", there is always this some kind of a satisfying feeling every time I finish a workout, whether an easy run or a long run. Whatever the reason behind it, one thing is for sure...Running feels good! And feeling good is just one of the many benefits of running that we don't want to miss! Right?

Got more info on "Runner's High" or other benefits of Running? Feel free to drop a comment! =)

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